Hydrological context and challenges


In many semi-arid areas, particularly in the Mediterranean, strong tensions over water resources generate conflicts of use and impact the economy. These crises result from the scarcity of water resources combined with an increase in consumption and needs, often linked to the development of irrigated agriculture in recent decades. Moreover, all projections indicate that this situation is likely to worsen under the impact of climate change. In this context, a good understanding of the hydrological processes at work in these regions, of the role of the various actors involved and of the practices of the farmers is an essential prerequisite for ensuring informed management of resources and uses.

The aim of this conference is to discuss the scientific approaches developed to date by the international community on the subject of water in the Maghreb and in semi-arid areas in general. Emphasis will be placed on innovative approaches mobilising field experiments, spatial remote sensing and biophysical modelling. We also wish to promote dialogue with institutional stakeholders and farmers to jointly propose innovative and acceptable solutions and tools for better resource management.


Conference topics

The general theme will be the hydrology of semi-arid zones, with a focus on physical resource/use approaches, with a view to the impact of global changes. Work emphasising the contribution of satellite remote sensing will be favoured, without restricting ourselves to it. Studies on the social management of water are also expected if they make the link with more physical problems, in the framework of multidisciplinary approaches.


The scientific themes addressed will include:

  •     Characterisation and quantification of water resources (snow cover, surface water and aquifer dynamics)
  •     Characterisation of agricultural uses and practices, in particular for irrigated agriculture
  •     Impact of extreme events and hydrological risks
  •     Methodological developments for satellite monitoring of the water status of surfaces, from the agricultural plot to the regional scale
  •     Integrated resource management and social management of water
  •     Anthropogenic impact on the hydrological cycle, including its atmospheric component

The following cross-cutting themes will be favoured for all these topics: spatial remote sensing, impact of climate change, multidisciplinary approaches, management tools, social water management, sustainability.

The last day of the conference (10 November) will be devoted to a field trip to the Haouz plain and the High Atlas of Marrakech.



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